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I haven’t been on tumblr these past few days because of too much shit going on in my life but I thought it important for me to answer this so here I am. The Russian government is not peaceful Russian people. Of course, it's not as bad as what's happening in Ukraine, but we just can't do anything. Seeing how ordinary people are insulted for being simply intimidated is terrible. Please don't believe everything the media says. Please don't forget about ordinary people who don't want this won, who just want a peaceful life for all people.

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Now all products will be made in Russia, many people will not be able to exchange currency, and this is just a dream for our government, because all the money will be in the state, also we can only buy shares of Russian companies, which again is great for our businessmen. But the worst thing is that all the sanctions that are imposed against Russia are doing better to our government. Our government made such a statement yesterday. If we say at least something in support of Ukraine, we will be imprisoned for 20 years. But please understand that this war was unleashed by our government, not by the civilian population, which does not solve anything in the Russian Federation. Ukraine needs huge support right now, and we are very worried about this terrible war. Peaceful Russian people are now hated, we are rotten at the universities of the Czech Republic (the situation of my brother), we are not allowed into cafes in Germany, we are not given visas to leave our country once and for all, just because we are Russians. Now I go to the Internet and see that they hate me as a Russian for my government, which decided that it was necessary to untie all this. On the other hand, our mentality also plays a role. Hell, we can't even choose our government. For example, my mother is against the war and she wanted to go to the rally, but he understands that if something happens to her, then her children will be left without parents, and she understands that if she does not go out and do nothing, but in the other hand Ukrainian families will be in danger. And now when people write that the Russian people do nothing against the war, we are just super intimidated. When we had rallies in support of Novalny in our country, many people were imprisoned, some were raped, and others were beaten to a pulp. They seriously tried to kill their only oppositionist, who brought at least a little hope to the Russian people for a truthful government. They created an illusion, but in reality they are the same people of Putin pretending that they are oppositionists.

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We have a TV program called "Evening Urgant" that's like in the USA "The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon" the presenter of this show spoke out against the war and this show just stopped being shown on TV, and there are still a lot of such cases. Many of our silebrites who spoke out against the war have now cut off the oxygen. People understand the implications of this. Yes, there are people who want this war, but this is such a small number, mainly the old generation that wants to recreate the USSR. The world should be against the Russian government, not against the civilian population. In foreign media (although even in the Russian media it is promoted) they write that the majority of Russian people want this war, but in reality this is not so. We're just fucking puppets in the hands of our government, they do what they want without worrying about our lives. And our government spat on the fact that according to the constitution we can do it. If we go out to peaceful rallies, we are arrested and this is not just some kind of fine. I'm from Russia and I'm really scared of what's going on. I am writing to you because I have been following you for a very long time and I share many of your thoughts, and I really do not know what else I can do. I apologize for the mistakes, I translate through a translator because I can’t adequately think in English right now.

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